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Bay Area PCOS was started in 2019 as a way to build communities in San Francisco, Oakland, and the greater Bay Area where people with PCOS and their partners can find support, resources, events, and opportunities for advocacy that focus on PCOS and everyone affected.


This project was started after meeting other people with PCOS at the gym or the market in San Francisco, the Bay Area, and across the nation. These interactions often included questions like "Who is your medical provider?" or "What medications or exercise has been working for you?" coupled with excitement at having met another person with PCOS!  Recognizing a need for a stronger community and access to information and resources, SF & Bay Area PCOS is working to connect people with PCOS with local and national resources, advocate work with local legislators, and translating the science, biology, and physiology of PCOS into topics more easily accessible.

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." Maya Angelou

Our Mission

To connect people with PCOS, their partners and family, with local and national resources that are rooted in science with inclusive and intersectional actions while building a community in NorCal.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Empowerment. Support.
Resources. Community.

We'll Need Your Support!

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