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Advocacy Day 2019 with PCOS Challenge in Washington, D.C.

SF & Bay Area PCOS joined others traveling from California and all over the country to attend the PCOS Challenge Advocacy Day 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. March 6th-7th for meetings with our Congressional representatives. We lobbied our Representatives for support on House and Senate Resolutions to make September officially 'PCOS Awareness Month' and for more PCOS awareness and research.

Congresswoman Debbie Wassermann Schultz, co-chair of the PCOS Caucus, gave a keynote speech to the Advocacy Day attendees in addition to other speakers of note including Dr. Felice Gersh, author of PCOS SOS; and actress and comedian Lauren Ash (Superstore, She-Ra) who shared her own PCOS story with attendees and with California representatives.

Advocates from San Francisco met with staff members in the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (CA-D), Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) to shared our personal story's and experiences with PCOS as constituents of their districts and communities. We asked for support in prioritizing PCOS and supporting House Resolution 146, a bipartisan PCOS Awareness Month Resolution, the PCOS Awareness and Research Act, or joining the PCOS Congressional Caucus. We also delivered letters from other constituents in their district who could not attend but wanted to express their support for these causes and the work PCOS Challenge is doing.

PCOS Challenge has opportunities for you to get involved with PCOS advocacy - locally or in Washington, D.C.! Read more about their public policy and advocacy work on their website here!

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